UTM Software
Universal Testing Machine (UTM) Software
our UTM software can power a tensile or compression strength testing machine to test the strength of various types of materials such as fabric, footwear leather, Footwear, rubber, plastic, metal etc.
- It comes pre-loaded with 40+ standards like ASTM, ISO etc.
- It can easily turn an existing material tester into a next generation, state-of-the-art universal material tester
- It comes with a simple, intuitive yet powerful user interface which can be accessed from a PC/Laptop/Tablet or a touchscreen attached directly to the machine
- Effortless integration – no in-house technical expertise required
- It’s a future proof solution based on the latest IIoT / Industry 4.0 technology supporting remote customer support as well as remote software update
- Provides cloud dashboards for vendor as well as their customers showing data analytics, alarms, productivity related information etc. (customizable)

Feature Details
Create New Test Program
1. Create a new test program
2. Open / edit an existing test program
3. Configurable units for load and displacement
• Load: ‘kg’, ‘lbs’, ‘N’, ‘daN’, …
• Displacement: ‘inch’, ‘cm’, ‘mm’, …
4. Support three modes of operation
• Until Load
• Until Displacement
• Until Peak Load with Sensitivity
5. Supports holding the sample at peak load for defined time
Support three types of speed:
• Approach , Test and Return Speed
6. Enable / disable auto return to home position
7. Support margin lines (1st and 2nd margin)
8. Display displacement for 5 pre-defined load values
Create New Test Program
1. Detect configured number of highest peaks
2. Comes pre-loaded with a number of tests including:
• Grab test, seam slippage test, fatique test, trapezoid test, peel bond test, energy absorption etc.
3. Flexibility to create any new test based on (or otherwise) industry standards like ASTM, ISO and others
1. Simple and guided calibration for:
• Load cell
• Displacement
• Speed
2. Calibration screen is password protected with administrator access only (different from operator password)
Run Test Program
1. Manual as well as software inching
2. Automatic home position based on sample height
3. Run multiple tests in batch mode with combined report
4. Load vs. Displacement graph with values on mouse hover
5. Displays current as well as peak load and displacements
6. Support tare of load as well as current displacement
7. Save or discard the current test run
8. View report as PDF document
Program List
2. Ability to search any program based on keywords, date of creation, customer, etc.
3. Click to open and edit any exiting test program
4. Click to directly run the test program
5. Delete any existing test program
6. Import / Export program list to CSV/XLS formats
Test Report History
1. Shows list of reports for all the saved test runs
2. Click to open any exiting test report
3. Download any report (as PDF) as well as take direct prints
4. Report shows comprehensive information about respective test run
• Test program summary
• Peak/ mean/ median values, standard deviation (SD), coefficient of variances, +more
• Load vs. Displacement graph for selected (or all) test runs
5. Click on the graph to show exact load / displacement values
6. Ability to select one/more/all test runs (in a consolidated report) and generate report for only the selected runs
Factory Settings
1. Supports a rich set of configuration options to:
• Enable /disable a number of features e.g., Seam Slippage
• Set safety limits for certain parameters e.g., minimum/maximum speed, per channel load cell capacity, per channel load cell minimum discord value, per channel over load value etc.
2. Factory settings screen is password protected with administrator access only (different from operator password)
Remote Tech. Support
1. Software can be easily upgraded over remote session
2. Any aspect of the software platform can be easily debugged, supported, maintained as well as demoed over remote sessions (including PLC updates). It is handy in a number of scenarios e.g.,
• If customer needs any help in creation/edit of a test program
• If customer needs re-calibration of load cell or any other aspect
• If customer is performing some test incorrectly
Other Features
1. Software and thus the machine can be accessed by the operator via PC/ Laptop/ Tablet or inbuilt capacitive touch screen
2. Software comes with a cloud service to track certain aspects of the machines (fitted with the software)
• Location of the machines on map
• Usage of the machines
• Error conditions
• Key metrics which are meaningful for the vendor
3. Software supports top as well as bottom limit switches for machine protection against unfortunate events
e.g., machine movable heads pressing against each other during incorrect manual inching
Other Features
2. Vendor logo can be easily updated
3. Detailed machine diagnostics
Pre-Supported Standards

System Architecture

UTM Software – Compression Tester
UTM Compression Tester’ software is used to test the compression strength of various types of materials e.g., footwear, paper, cardboard box etc.
- It can easily turn an existing material compression tester into a next generation, state-of-the-art universal material tester
- It comes with a simple, intuitive yet powerful user interface which can be accessed from a PC/Laptop/Tablet or a touchscreen attached directly to the machine
- It’s fully compliant with industry standards like ASTM, ISO etc.
- It’s a future proof solution based on the latest IIoT/Industry 4.0 technology supporting remote customer support as well as remote software update

Key Features of Our Software(s)
Next Generation, Intuitive, Intelligent and Safer Testing Software
Mobile App
Custom mobile app and cloud dashboard for device monitoring, statistics, alerts and notifications.
IoT / Industry 4.0 Enabled
Internet-Of-Things (IoT) capability enables seamless remote technical support, diagnostics and data analytics. Enables supervisors & operators to always remain connected with the machine from within or outside the factory
Intelligent Insights
Collects detailed machine and test statistics to predict and report anomalies .
Simple and Intuitive
Operator dashboard with intuitive, easy-to-understand controls for simple workfow navigation . Easy to create new tests or edit existing ones . Save and print reports (PDF and other formats)
Future Proof Software
Remote software update (for adding new features or fxing bugs) always keeps the software up-to-date and safe . Supports remote addition of new test methods. Our team is always busy adding new features to keep your machine always ahead of the competition
Data Analytics
IOT cloud dashboard enables detailed product insights such as test runs per day, operator efficiency, days to next service cycle, error statistics, calibration reminders, software update notifications etc.
Customizable and White Labelled
Product is fully customizable. Product is white labelled and shall carry your branding
Factory settings to enable/disable features (e.g., seam slippage) .Touch screen support of desired sizes . Sensors and Camera connectivity (optional)
Adding intelligence to your machines.
As technology partners, we help our customers revamp their existing machines with cutting edge technology and convert them into best-in-class IoT enabled industrial machines. Our next generation software solutions can help you surpass competition at a global scale.